Assets to Appreciate
Rally is a platform that allows investors to buy & sell equity shares in collectible assets. Together, we rally to make investing behind ideas, emotions, and communities safe, easy, and accessible. The result…A 21st Century Portfolio, for everyone.
Explore our assets
We source, verify, and acquire the most noteworthy items from collections and individuals all over the world.
We turn that item into “a company” via regulatory qualification, then split it into equity shares.
We open an “Initial Offering” on Rally where investors of all sizes can purchase shares & build their portfolio.
After ~90 days, investors have the chance to sell shares in-app or add to their position through Bid/Ask trading (through registered broker dealers).

Get Started on the Rally App
No commission, no hidden fees, and the app is free. Browse assets and details with ease – if you like what you see, you could be an owner in a matter of minutes.
Questions? Email us or text: (347) 952-8058